Figure 2 shows the ways the block and tackle are used.





The mechanical advantage depends on the use:


Force (disregarding bearing friction and rope rigidity) :



a) Fixed Sheave or pulley

F1 = Fo



b) Free sheave or pulley

F1 = Fo/2



c) Ordinary pulley block


F1 - Fo/n



d) Differential pulley block


F1 = 1/2(1 - d/D)Fo



e) Multiple Differential Pulley Block


F1 = Fo/2n



F1 - Force required to raise ot lower the load

Fo - Load

n = number of pulleys

d, D - Diameter of the pulleys





Path of the Load

Formulas - (figure 3)





a) Fixed sheave


s = h



b) Free sheave


s = 2 x h



c) Ordinary pulley block


s = n x h



d) Differential pulley block


s = 2h/(1-d/D)



e) Multiple differential pulley block


h = D/2n


Moment of Force

Moment M of a force F about a point O is te perpendicular distance from point O to the line of action of force F times the force F.






M = F x d



M is the moment

F is the force

d is the distance


Resultant forces: (figure 5)







F1 x d1 + F2 x d2 + F3 x d3 + ..... Fn x dn = 0


Pbs: F may be positive or negative according the direction defined by clockwise or counterclockwise.