Description: This package contains two independent ..J-K flip-flops. Each clock can operate in two modes: direct and clocked.

Functional Diagram and Package:
Functional Diagram and Package:




Pin Names:

Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage [3V to 15V]

Vss - Ground

ST1, ST2 - Set

RST1 , RST2 - Reset

CLK1, CLK2 - Clock

J1, J2 - J Inputs

K1, K2 - K Inputs

Q1, Q2 - Outputs Q1/ , Q2/ - Complementary Outputs


Truth Table:
Truth Table:




Operation Mode:

a] Direct Mode

* A positive set input makes the G output to go to the “'1” logic level and the Q/ output to go to the “0” logic level.

* A positive reset input makes the G output to return to the “0” logic level and the Q output to the “1 ” logic level.

* If positive inputs are applied simultaneously to both inputs [ST and RST] Q and Q/ go to the “'1” logic level. This is a disallowed state.


b] Clocked Mode

* Set and Clear inputs remains at ground.

* The logic signals applied to the J and K inputs determine the final state of the outputs of the flip-flop.

* The changes in the states of the flip-flop occur with the positive transition of the clock signal.


Electrical Characteristics:
Electrical Characteristics:







Control Applications



All inputs are protected against damage due to electrostatic discharges.