Description: This device is formed by four D-type latches with level-controlled storage command pins.


Functional Diagram and/or Package:




Pin Names:

Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage [BV to 15V]

Vss - Ground

D1, D2, D3, D4 - D Inputs

Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 - Outputs

Q1/, Q2/, Q3/, Q4/ - Complementary Outputs

CLK - Clock

PL – Polarity


Truth Table:


Operation Mode:

  • With PL=0 and ST=0, data applied to D appears in the outputs [Q and (Q/).

  • Passing PL to “1' data in the input is stored at the negative transition of the clock pulse.

  • The output follows one state of the Store Control.


Electrical Characteristics:




  • Buffer Storage ' Digital Logic ' Holding Registers




  • Stages using this device may not be cascaded.