This circuit was originally published in a Popular Electronics magazine in the 1960s, consisting of a super-regenerative receiver for the VHF range. In addition to the tubes the only critical component is the transformer, which can however be replaced by a self-transformer (see article sources for valves on the site)

Coils are frequency dependent, 2, 3 and 4 wire coils 22 to 26 with 1 cm in diameter without core can be used to cover the 50 MHz to 150 MHz bands, including the aviation range.

The antenna is of the telescopic type, although an external antenna can be used and the output is made in a high impedance headphone. For loudspeaker playback, you can use an external speaker.


C1 - 1 nF - ceramic

C2a, b and c - 20/40/60 uF x 250 V - electrolytic

C3-7 pF - ceramic

C4 - 220 nF - polyester

C5 - variable 2-20 pF (taken from FM radio)

C6 - 4.7 nF - ceramic

C7-22 pF - ceramic

C8-10 nF - ceramic

R1, R3 - 330 ohm x ½ W

R2 - 5k6 - ½ W

R4 - 47 k x ½ W

R5 - 7.5 M x ½ W (8.2 M)

R6 - 25k x ½ W

R7 - 2k2 x ½ W

XRF1 at 4 - 100 uH

D1 - 1N4007

T1 - 150 V x 25 mA and 6.3 V

T2 - Transformer with 1: 3 turns ratio - audio


Chassis, sockets for valves, button for variable, wires, solder, etc.


Figure 1 - Complete diagram of the receiver
Figure 1 - Complete diagram of the receiver