Here is a traditional transmitter for the bands of 3.5 and 7 MHz radio amateurs, indicated at the time for beginners who wanted to assemble their first equipment. Despite the power, with a good antenna it was possible to make transmissions at distances of hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers.

The project was obtained from a foreign publication of the 1960s and is based on the 6V6GT tube.

In addition to the tubes the transformer is the other critical component, whereas the coils are of homemade construction, details of which are given in figure 2.

The transformer must have secondary 480 V (240 + 240 V) with 40 mA plus winding of 5 V x 2 A and 6.3 V x 1 A.

The components used in this transmitter are:

V1 - 6V6GT

V2 - 5U4G

C1 -trimmer 7-35 pF

C2 - 100 pF x 500 V - ceramic

C3-22 nF x 500 V - ceramic

C4-47 nF x 1600 V - ceramic

C5, C7, C8 - 4.7 nF x 500 V - ceramic

C6 - variable

C9, C10 - 20 + 20 uF x 450 V - electrolytic

F1-1 A

R1 - 82k x 1/8 W

P1 - 28 V x 40 mA

L1, L2 - 2.5 mH

L3, L4 - see figure 2

L5 - 8.5 H - small power transformer primary


Figure 1 shows the transmitter diagram.


Figure 1 - Transmitter diagram.
Figure 1 - Transmitter diagram. | Haga click en la imagen para ampliar |