This transmitter for the 3.5 and 7 MHz band requires amateur license for operation. It was obtained from a 1968 publication. The critical components are tubes and transformers, including the source which may be from Article T229E. L3 is formed by 40 0.2 mm turns in a 3.7 cm shape. L1 is formed by 6 turns of 0.2 mm wire in 3 cm in diameter form and L2 and L4 are shocks of 2.5 mH. CV is a variable valve radio capacitor. T1 and T2 are audio output transformers. In the case of T2 only the primary is used. For T1 if a crystal capsule is used the circuit can be modified with a 1 M ground resistor and a 470 nF capacitor to the capacitor.


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