The current field of the Black Ghost is produced by specialized organ called an electric organ discharge (EOD). The electric organ is made up of modified muscle or nerve cells placed in a series to gather the voltage produced by each muscle or nerve. Figure 1 shows how they are placed. For most electric fish, the EOD is located in the tail.


Figure 1 – The electric organ of an Black Ghost
Figure 1 – The electric organ of an Black Ghost


Strongly electric fish, such as the poraque (the electric eel), have an EOD that is powerful enough to stun their prey. The typical EOD amplitude for these animals can reach 300 volts.


Figure 2 – The poraque
Figure 2 – The poraque


A weak electric fish EOD produces less than 10 volts. The discharges are too weak to stun prey but are used to detect objects underwater in a process called electrolocation.

Another use of the signals is to communicate with other electric fish in a process called electrocommunication.

In different species of electric fish, the BOD waveform takes two general forms. In some species, the signal is a continuous wave that is almost sinusoidal, as in the Black Ghost and other members of the same family. In other species, the BOD waveform consists of brief pulses separated by long gaps, as shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3 – Signal waveshapes of the signal generated by the fish
Figure 3 – Signal waveshapes of the signal generated by the fish


The fish with continuous wave operation are called wave species and the ones that produce pulses are known as pulse species.


Feeding and Water Chemistry

Tropical fish, such as the Black Ghost, are very delicate creatures. If the appropriate ambient environment is not provided, they can die in few minutes.

Here we will provide some idea of how to keep your fish alive for many years while powering your experiments and bionic devices.

Feeding - The Black Ghost must be fed a varied diet, which includes live food, beefheart, shrimp pellets, snails, small fish, and worms. Tubifex and bloodworms are said to be a favorite. They are big eaters, and if they are not properly nourished they may hunt other creatures in the aquarium. As always, live foods are beneficial, and Black Ghosts are very quick at detecting the smell of food.

Water Chemistry - The water should be slightly soft with a pH of around 6.5 to 7.0 and a temperature range from 72 to 80 degrees F.