Negative Temperature Coefficient resistors or NTC are devices having a characteristic as shown in the figure. The resistance decreases when the temperature rises.





Formula 1

Resistance of a NTC:

R = A x eB/T



R is the resistance in a given temperature in oK in ohm (Ω)

A is a constant given by the manufacturer of the NTC.

B is a constant given by the characteristic (range from 1,000 to 8,000 oK)

T is the ambient temperature in degrees Kelvin (oK)


Formula 2

Resistance of a NTC II:



R is the resistance in a given temperature in ohm (Ω)

Rto is the resistance at To in ohm (Ω)

e = 2.71828

T is the final temperature in degrees Kelvin (oK)

To is the reference temperature in degrees Kelvin (oK)

B is a constant given by the component characteristic