Infineon Technologies TLE9351SJ High-Speed CAN FD Transceiver, available from Mouser, is designed to protect the microcontroller against interferences generated inside the network. This transceiver offers a low-level Electromagnetic Emission (EME) within a wide frequency range based on the high symmetry of the CANH and CANL output signals. The TLE9351SJ transceiver fulfills stringent Electro-Magnetic Compatability (EMC) test limits without an additional external circuit like a common mode choke. This transceiver features excellent ESD robustness, over-temperature protection, and standby mode with a minimized quiescent current. The optimized transmitter symmetry combined with the optimized delay symmetry of the receiver enables the TLE9351SJ transceiver to support CAN FD data frames. This device supports data transmission rates up to 5MBps, depending on the size of the network and the inherent parasitic effects. The TLE9351SJ transceiver is ideally used in automotive and industrial applications.

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