Micro Crystal RV-8263-C8 Real-Time Clock (RTC) Modules with I2C-bus interface incorporate an integrated CMOS circuit together with a built-in tuning fork crystal oscillating at 32.768kHz. These modules feature a programmable offset register for frequency adjustment. The RV-8263-C8 RTC modules provide automatic leap year calculation (2000 to 2099), and the alarm interrupts for year, month, date, weekday, hours, minutes, and seconds settings. These CMOS real-time clock/calendar modules are ultra-small, low-profile, lightweight, and designed with a low power consumption of 190nA at 3V. The RV-8263-C8 RTC modules are specially designed for miniature and cost-sensitive high-volume applications, including IoT, metering, industrial, automotive, healthcare, wearables, and portables.

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