“I set up a project in the Circuit Bench section and it didn't work. Analyzing, I found errors. What to do?"


As I explain in the presentation of the section (CB000E) the projects in this section, most of them are sent by collaborators, or else obtained in the most diverse publications, such as books, magazines, component manuals and much more. We analyze the circuits and if we find them consistent, we publish. However, in many cases, the reader must be careful to carry out an analysis that may involve the eventual exchange of components, change of component values and even the change of connections. In cases where we detect the failure, we make the changes ourselves, but the number of projects is enormous. We are unable to assemble or try them all or even analyze them in a simulator. This section is much more for consultation, experimentation, and analysis than for direct use. We have already warned our readers about this. When readers encounter difficulties and write to us, we try to help.