I found in my scrap box an old motor that is specified to operate at 240 V x 50 Hz. Can I use this motor at 220 V x 60 Hz?

Probably this motor is of English origin since 240 V x 50 Hz is the power grid of that country. If you turn it on at 220 V x 60 Hz it should work almost normally. Almost, because it will spin a little faster, given the frequency of the grid and its performance should be a little lower, given the higher frequency that will influence the current over a higher impedance. If the application you have in mind is not critical for speed and power, then the motor will certainly not cause malfunctions. However, there are cases, such as clocks and minutes where times are given by the rotation of a motor and if the motor used is specified for the 50 Hz grid, when it is switched on at 60 Hz, the times will be totally changed.