“I want to use a bicycle dynamo attached to a propeller to get wind energy. Can I directly connect this dynamo to powered devices? Do I need some kind of rectification or adjustment?”

If you are going to power bulbs or other devices that allow a good range of voltages to work, the connection can be straightforward just by observing that when the propeller speed increases the voltage as well and thus the brightness of the bulbs. However, in more critical cases regulation and filtering are required. Filtering can be done with a capacitor connected to the dynamo output, having a diode between the dynamo positive and the capacitor positive to prevent the charge from returning. The regulator for 1 A depends on the voltage and the 7806 for 12 V can be used with a heat radiator. There is no need for rectification because the voltage produced is continuous, although it is pulsating given by the rotation of the dynamo elements. One idea is to use the dynamo to charge a battery and then, after it, connected to the powered device, the regulating circuit.