I used two resistors in parallel to get a smaller value in a project, since I did not have the requested values. However, in the circuit, one of the resistors heats up more than another. Is there a problem with the association?

Obviously not. We know that in an association of resistors in parallel the smaller resistor is driven by the higher current and therefore dissipates the higher power. Thus, in an association of resistors in parallel, if we have resistors of different values, we must be prepared for the fact that the smaller of them will heat up more, especially if the current in the circuit is something intense. It will be interesting in the calculations of these resistors, also determine which is the power that each will dissipate; Just use the formula:

P = V2 x R


At where:

P is the power dissipated

V is the voltage applied to the

R is the value of the resistor considered