This short introduction to the topic does not say everything we have done, what we are doing and what we intend to do in terms of researching paranormal phenomena using electronics.

In the preface of our book Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension, we use a phrase from Shakespeare that can give the reader an idea of ??the extension of the theme. “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy [science]”.

Although attempts to use technology to unravel the so-called paranormal phenomena, what is happening, shows an interesting fact. A lot of things that were previously thought to be from the world of the improbable, something that science did not accepted because it was not believed to be possible to happen, within time more and more phenomena were explained and technology even started to make use of several of them.

In the advent of radio, researchers, like Marconi and Edison, believed that this discovery could be used for the “communication with the spirits” and this gave rise to what is now called ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication).

Using electronic devices, such as radios and tape recorders, researchers began to record strange voices whose origin is not yet well defined.

We can also mention the phenomena linked to dowsing, telekinesis, telepathy, and others that, as it seems, are entering a new era with the advent of electronic technologies, mainly sensors.

The legend which by using a fork it was possible to locate ground water, nowadays is not only explained by science as it is used as a real fact. What happens is that walking with a fork over a water reservoir, because the water has a lower density than the neighboring soil it affects the gravitational field of the land at the site (Figure 1).


(Figure 1)
(Figure 1)



In other words, if the fork is delicately balanced in the hand of a sensitive operator, its passage through the site is detected in the form of a small oscillation or vibration, the difference in gravity, and the person can then say that there is water, or some type of ore in the place. It is not a paranormal sensitivity, but a fact explained by physics.

Today, airplanes carrying gravimetric sensors (inertial sensors) fly over the sea and land and can detect small variations in gravity and detect deposits of oil under the sea or land or of ores.


Figure 2 - The Gravimeter - The position of the body attached to the spring changes, as the gravity of the location changes in the presence of large masses of minerals or water with greater or lesser density
Figure 2 - The Gravimeter - The position of the body attached to the spring changes, as the gravity of the location changes in the presence of large masses of minerals or water with greater or lesser density



But, technology can still reserve surprises as we already wrote in our article Ghosts in the Internet - PN018E when we report a Transcommunication Phenomenon that would have occurred with a “message” spreading over the internet.

In the phenomenon, a message from another dimension would be carried through the internet to a computer and a printer, being printed without human intervention.

If we analyze the phenomenon of convergence, where technology is increasingly integrated to living beings, specifically humans, entering not only in your body, but more and more in your mind, and that we still have the appearance of phenomena which involve physics quantum, themes covered in films such as The Grass Harp”, “Art of Peace”, “Spirit, Listen”, in addition to books, we see that the paranormal increasingly approaches the normal.

The TV series Stranger Things opens up a new dimension for research that fans of the subject can implement with the use of high-tech equipment.

In the series, an entity from another dimension uses a digital interface to send messages written on a panel with letters, pulsating them on an LED panel. In fact, making a panel like this is relatively easy (we even have an article on the website that describes it - a panel is set up remotely over the internet using a cell phone).

The biggest problem, which could be interesting, would be the possibility of changing the interface with the cell phone and going to other dimensions making contact with unknown entities.

The same way the white noise can modulate sound signals and appear in recordings or analog radio broadcasts, perhaps a digital noise could not lead to the appearance of messages of other dimensions on a panel or on an LED TV display.

The quantum physics is already revealing strange phenomena in structures in our brain that would do quantum computing at the synapse level, could be used to trigger such panels obtaining messages which would be in other dimensions. There are so many speculations that show an idea embedded in a phrase by Blaise Pascal, which I heard on my student days: ‘Knowledge is like a sphere, the greater its volume, the larger its contact with the unknown’

Who qualifies? The proposal is there and the strange things may soon no longer be strange. I am waiting for the project of a reader who has discovered something.