In other articles on this website, dealing with new technologies (NT) and the Internet of Things (IoT), we have already talked about the innovations that are taking the internet access not only to objects (IoT) and space (IoS), on a macro scale, as well as a micro scale, entering our bodies and also reaching quantum devices, like sending encrypted messages and eventually in even a greater speed than the light.

 But what calls our attention is that in old articles we have already showed the technology tended to a breakthrough in all directions, from macro to micro, going from space to the inside of our bodies, with more and more interaction than the living being, especially humans.

 In our seminars we explore this topic several times, speaking in a possible integration in the future between human beings (carbon) and the silicon beings, what for many years has been called "artificial life."

 It has been recently reported that doctors are already thinking of the first head transplant (human) for the next decades, but the ethical implications for such a procedure will still get on the way of its practical implementation.

 The important thing is that more and more silicon in the form of chips and other electronic devices will be present in our body.

 In many of these chips there will be wireless communication capabilities with either other devices or servers which will take the information to the internet.

 Starting from the simplest applications that involve the internet of living beings or IOB, we can think of practical resources already involving domestic animals, and much more than the simple RFID identification tag that is already applied in dogs, cats, cattle, etc.

 An idea under consideration is the stimulation of certain areas of the brain of animals that could lead to controlled behavior, which may be highly desirable in the case of aggressive animals, for example.

 One idea is the implementation of a chip with internet access in the brain of a dog, just the area that inhibits its bark.

 If the dog starts to bother with constant barking at night, you just need to pick up your phone, access an app and with a touch send the signal that inhibits the barking. Very useful for those in neighborhoods with noisy dogs...

 But now entering the human body, there are many possible applications starting with simple things, such as the elimination of vices, even some that have begun to take practical forms like releasing medication or monitoring from our state.

 In the future, when making your health insurance you will receive an "injection" in which a nano robot equipped with sensors and wireless communication with your mobile phone or the nearest server will monitor your health.

 Navigating through your bloodstream like in the movie "Fantastic Voyage" it will be constantly measuring your blood glucose, cholesterol, temperature and pressure and detecting any obstructions that may threaten you with a heart attack.



Movie Poster
Movie Poster "Fantastic Voyage" based on Isaac Asimov's tale



In case of any abnormality it will send an alert to your phone or network that will transfer to a service center.



Nanorobot handling cells in your blood - Yale Scientific Image
Nanorobot handling cells in your blood - Yale Scientific Image



We even imagined a scene "from the future" in which you are walking quietly down the street, when your nano robot detects that you are about to have a heart attack. A fat card in your circulatory system is about to come off causing an obstruction.

Immediately, it contacts the call center by sending the alert and giving your location by GPS.

The call center calls your doctor and dispatches an ambulance to where you are.

And you walking quietly get scared! For an ambulance with the sirens on stops by your side; two "huge" nurses get out, grab you, throw you on a stretcher and take you away...

You only have time to ask what's going on and they tell you:


- You'll have a heart attack in half an hour. Your doctor is already waiting for you in the hospital for an emergency..


Other applications that are already being studied show that at this stage of technology, electronics (silicon) is entering our body to help us. In the next stage perhaps to replace our organs.

Another application being studied is the correction of Parkinson's disease. Studies have shown that stimulation of certain parts of the brain can inhibit the tremor. Chips implanted in these locations would correct the problem, just as the inhibition of the bark that we have mentioned.

Future? No. Every day the news of the IoT, now going to the IoP and IOB become part of our lives.

The cell phone has become part of us, but for now is out of our body. We do not know until when, but certainly one day it will be within us.

The future is to link our body and our brain to the world. Soon we'll be going through a new phase of humanity that little will be left of us as individuals, as we will be part of a universal unit, one mind "in the clouds". Will it be good? We do not know, but the ethical implications are enormous. It's time to start thinking about it.