NI has announced the release of Multisim 14, our industry-standard SPICE simulation environment. The latest version of Multisim software provides new features for an enhanced user experience, quicker access to simulation results, and improved interactive simulation. You can better understand circuits by using the active analysis functionality and graphing and post-processing results. NI also offers the Multisim Education Edition, which students and educators can use as a circuit teaching tool for analog, digital, and power circuits. Multisim14 is the only circuit design tool that features seamless integration with LabVIEW software.

Key Features:


  • Faster simulation and results with new probes and active analysis
  • New components for power electronics teaching and design
  • Digital electronics teaching with new Digilent FPGA boards
  • MPLAB co-simulation with 4,000 microcontrollers from Microchip (beta)
  • High-level design accuracy with over 36,000 components from leading suppliers
  • New capabilities for student capstone projects


>> Learn more about Multisim 14