In the car, negative ions can be important for reducing the effects of the positive charges accumulated in the metallic structure, causing discomfort mainly to those With allergies. The complete circuit is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows a PCB suitable for this project.
If powered from a battery, the power supply sector is not used.
T2 is any flyback obtained from an old no-functioning TV set or another piece of equipment using a TRIAC circuit. You must be sure to choose a flyback with an exposed ferrite core where the primary is wound. This primary coil is formed by 7 to 15 turns of any wire between 22 and 18 AWG. You can also use a car ignition coil of any type.
C3 is a glass capacitor, as in the previous project (BM041E)
(not included the power supply)
IC-1: 555 integrated circuit timer
D3: High-voltage rectifier (20 kV)
Q1: TIP31 silicon NPN power transistor
R1, R2: 10 k ohm X 1/8 W resistors, brown, black, orange
R3: 1 k ohm x 1/8 W resistor, brown, black, red
C1: 1,000 µF x 25 V electrolytic capacitor
C2: 0.047 µF polyester or ceramic capacitor
C3: Glass capacitor (see text)
X1: Electrode (as in the basic project)
F1: 1A fuse