The circuit shown in the figure below is suggested by ON Semiconductor (, based on its integrated circuit NCP4896. This is an amplifier that can supply 1 W of power at BTL configuration with 8 ohm load from 5 V. This power supply circuit also supplies power 250 mW at 2.6 V and 90 mW with a 32 ohm load and power of 5 V. The device provides high quality audio requiring few external components. We also find the use of shutdown down consumption from external logic. Range of supply voltages is 2.2 V to 5.5 V and the integrated circuit comes in Flip-Chip 9-pin case. The device can also excite capacitive loads up to 1 nF and have configurable externally pin. Since the circuit has excellent PSRR and can be powered directly from a battery without the need to merge a LDO.